Saturday, July 27, 2019

Global Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global Nursing - Research Paper Example   Ã‚   In an attempt to explain global nursing, Sister Roy gives metatheory and philosophical perspectives. Several discussions were held on the nature of the knowledge applied or required of a nurse. Issues such epistemology and the nature of both the person and nursing were debated upon and Roy realized that the major developments undertaken by the nurses were not captured in the journals and thus major issues affecting the nurses were not attended to (Roy & Jones, 2007).   Sister Roy states that knowledge has been reflected as covering a larger part of the human the health relation between humans and environmental from the beginning of the century as it is stated in the concepts explained in theoretical nursing (Roy & Jones, 2007). The need that nursing should be understood in the perspective of the practice of the nature of nursing took root in the 20th century. Since 1970 there have been several approaches that are influencing the development of nursing knowledge. Several au thors and theoreticians have done several other publications regarding the various developments of knowledge in the field of nursing (Meleis, 2011).  Ã‚  A global definition of the position of nursing paradigm is given by sister Roy. This tends to address the knowledge that is supposed to be known in the nursing field. Paradigmatic refers to the nursing literature. Several other theorists were arguing about the risks incurred by emphasizing the same approach. Paradigmatic resulted to distinguishing several sectors of knowledge required by nurses.

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